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National Environmental Groups Endorse Luz Rivas for Congress

Assemblywoman Will Be Strong Voice for Real Climate Solutions


A group of national environmental advocacy organizations is endorsing Assemblywoman Luz Rivas’ campaign for California’s 29th Congressional District. Food & Water Action, Oil Change U.S., Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, Friends of the Earth Action, Zero Hour and Climate Hawks Vote spoke out in support of Assemblywoman Rivas’ bid. Rivas is running for the vacant seat left by retiring Congressman Antonio Cárdenas. She began her career as an electrical engineer, eventually winning a seat in California’s State Assembly where she would chair the Natural Resources committee.  

Friends of the Earth Action Government and Political Affairs Director Ariel E. Moger said: “Friends of the Earth Action is elated to endorse Luz Rivas, an incredibly effective elected leader and environmental justice advocate. Her experience and expertise prove she would be an invaluable champion for people and the planet in Washington. We sincerely hope that California voters will join us in supporting Rivas’ bid for Congress.”  

Food & Water Action Political Director Sam Bernhardt said:  “Luz Rivas has an unmatched understanding of the dangers of scam policies like carbon capture and sequestration, and she has the background in engineering to serve as the expert spokesperson we need in the nation’s capital where, unfortunately, far too many elected officials remain uneducated on the issue.”  

Oil Change U.S. Political Director Collin Rees said: “Luz Rivas has a deep understanding of environmental injustice and a fierce vision for a bold, people-centered approach to ending the fossil fuel era and building a world where all can thrive. We need more members of Congress with Assemblymember Rivas’s understanding of the harms of carbon capture and storage and other harmful fossil fuel industry scams.”

Center for Biological Diversity Action California Political Director Karuna Jaggar said: “Luz Rivas has a remarkable record of success during her time in the California legislature, and she’ll certainly bring that fierce dedication to Congress. Her background in engineering and deep understanding of climate science will prove critical as we fight to avoid the worst harms of the climate catastrophe. Rivas is exactly the type of person we need in Congress, and we’re proud to endorse her.”

Zero Hour Executive Director Zanagee Artis said: “Luz Rivas boasts a remarkable understanding of the scientific underpinnings of the climate crisis and will be the champion for environmental justice that California’s 29th district needs in Congress. We have no doubt that she will lead with both people and planet at the forefront of her decision-making.”

Climate Hawks Vote Political Director RL Miller said: “Luz Rivas is a rare combination of working class, environmental justice heart, and climate science smarts. We’re looking forward to working with her in Congress. I’ve known Luz and worked with her in the California legislature, where she’s been an effective lawmaker championing solid science-based policies.”  

Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc. fights for transformational environmental policy and pushes political discourse to center justice and the environment. Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc. is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of Friends of the Earth U.S., but these organizations’ names are not interchangeable. This news release is from Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc., not Friends of the Earth. 

Food & Water Action, the political and lobbying arm of the national advocacy group Food & Water Watch, mobilizes people to build political power to move bold and uncompromised solutions to the most pressing food, water and climate problems of our time. We work to protect people’s health, communities and democracy from the growing destructive power of the most powerful economic interests.

Oil Change U.S. is dedicated to supporting real climate leadership, exposing the true costs of fossil fuels, and building a just, equitable, and renewable energy future in the United States. We work to demand political candidates and elected officials reject fossil fuel money, end fossil fuel subsidies, oppose new pipelines and other fossil fuel infrastructure, and support a just transition and a Green New Deal.

The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund is a national nonprofit organization that advocates for legislation and legislators that will advance a progressive environmental agenda. The Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Center for Biological Diversity, but these organizations’ names are not interchangeable. This news release is from the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, not the Center for Biological Diversity.

Zero Hour is a youth-led movement creating entry points, training, and resources for new young activists and organizers (and adults who support our vision) wanting to take concrete action around climate change. Together, we are a movement of unstoppable youth organizing to protect our rights and access to the natural resources and a clean, safe, and healthy environment that will ensure a livable future where we not just survive, but flourish.

Climate Hawks Vote works to build grassroots political power for the climate movement…and we win our races. 

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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