Sue Altman

Sue Altman has a long record of championing progressive issues in Trenton, and challenging political leaders on both sides of the aisle – qualities that will be essential to running an energetic, forceful campaign in a battleground district.

The former Executive Director of New Jersey Working Families Alliance, Altman has proven that she isn’t afraid to speak truth to power to advance the fight for a fairer, healthier, and more just society. Winning a high-profile race in a battleground district like this will require a determined and passionate voice for social change. Sue Altman is the kind of candidate who can articulate a vision that will motivate voters to show up this November.


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Josh Riley

Josh Riley will be a champion for upstate New York’s rural communities. His top priority is fighting for a sustainable agriculture system.

Josh’s solutions include breaking up Big Ag monopolies, and creating federal agriculture policy that rewards farmers who protect the environment by farming sustainably. Upstate New York needs a champion for sustainable agriculture like Josh!


Make a gift to ban factory farms ~and have it MATCHED $2-to-$1!

Bonnie Watson Coleman

Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman has served New Jersey’s 15th Congressional District since 2015. She has been a champion for the environment. In 2023, she was the only member of New Jersey’s congressional delegation to come out in opposition to the LNG export terminal proposed for Gibbstown, NJ. 

Representative Watson Coleman is the lead sponsor of the WATER Act, the landmark 21st-century legislation that we need to restore federal support and help protect clean water. The WATER Act is the only permanent solution to our nation’s water funding woes, providing $35 billion each year to restore our public water infrastructure.


Make a gift to ban factory farms ~and have it MATCHED $2-to-$1!