How We Keep Fighting After These Midterm Results


by Mia DiFelice

The midterm results are in: Democrats have kept their Senate majority, and Republicans will likely hold a majority in the House.

While these midterms didn’t deliver everything we hoped for, we still saw victories for Food & Water Action, our members, our supporters, and our allies. Nationwide, thousands of us joined millions to demand a progressive future for our country. One that will put people and the planet before greedy corporations

We have worked for more than a year to ensure the victories we saw this week, and we will keep working, as long as we need to, to secure a livable future for all. 

Against All Odds, We Have So Much to Celebrate

Food & Water Action began its work in every race with the same overarching goal in mind: Elect a candidate who will stand up for the issues we care about. A candidate who will work to secure safe food, clean water, and a livable climate for everyone.

This year, the odds were stacked tall against us. Historically, the winning party in the previous presidential race has rarely kept both seats in Congress in the following midterms. Pundits predicted we would see a “red wave” this year. But thanks to our work and your support, we shrunk the widely-predicted “wave” into a puddle. 

While Republicans will barely squeak in a House majority, the Senate held blue — a result others thought impossible.

Our work blocked many extremists, climate-deniers, and corporate-backed cronies from gaining power in Congress. And with a Senate majority, we can advance a climate agenda in the next two years. 

How We Defended Our Democracy and Our Planet

In the run-up to the midterms, we mobilized voters in key districts across the country. Our members and volunteers made calls, wrote letters, and knocked on more than 27,000 doors . 

Of those, 20,000 were in Pennsylvania. When we began strategizing, we quickly realized that the state was full of make-or-break races. So we threw our weight behind progressives in important districts, endorsing Summer Lee in PA12 and supporting Chris Deluzio in PA17. 

For the two candidates combined, we mobilized 202,000 calls to voters in their districts. Our members and volunteers sent out 3,000 handwritten letters to get out the vote on Lee’s behalf. And, on election day alone, we secured commitments from more than 700 voters to send three friends to the polls.

Not only did both Lee and Deluzio win their races — Pennsylvania saw its own blue tide. Our work helped turn out folks voting blue down the ballot. The state now has a Democratic governor and inches toward a Democratic State House.

Moreover, John Fetterman’s win for PA’s second Senate seat helped clinch Democrats’ majority. Now, they have the chance to strengthen that majority in Georgia’s December runoff election.

Wins like those in Pennsylvania bring us closer than ever to real climate action. They also show that leaders with bold visions, advocating for bold solutions, can and do win. Progressive victories across the country send clear signals that voters want real change, now.

Beyond These Midterm Results, We’re Continuing the Fight

We’re taking a moment to celebrate the victories, but we know our fight is far from over. Every day, the planet becomes more unlivable. Every day, industries spew pollution into our air and our waterways. Corporate greed still has a stranglehold on our economy. Prices continue to rise and company profits reach historic highs. 

With so much on the line, we are jumping right back into the fray. First, we’ve already begun working with allies in the House and Senate to keep extremism in check. Just as importantly, we’ll continue working with communities across the country to block fossil fuel projects and keep oil and gas in the ground.

We’re also mobilizing people to push President Biden toward decisive action. His executive authority can move us forward on addressing the critical threats we face. From cutting down climate pollution, to protecting our water, to holding greedy corporations to account, Biden has the power to deliver for everyday workers and families. 

Finally, we know that the growing extremism in the House underscores the challenges we will face in the 2024 election ahead. That’s why Food & Water Action is setting a long-term strategy to secure a Democratic government. We are working toward a Congress and administration that will help us achieve a livable future for all. 

At this moment, we cannot accept anything less.

With your help, we can take on what comes next.


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